I am experiencing this personally now, but within Orthodoxy. There is a defiant Boomer Cadre trying everything they can to keep out converts and young people, especially children. Many cradle Boomer Orthodox, now in their 60s or 70s, still behave as if it were the 1960s or 1970s. They scorn women who wear head coverings, they disdain fasting and almsgiving, have made peace with abortion, contraception, cohabitation, and are remarkably ignorant about their faith. They hate -- and no, that is not too strong a word -- the more devout newcomers because they hold fast to tradition and take prayer, fasting, and almsgiving seriously. Thankfully, this is almost entirely a problem with the laity rather than the clergy.

The Most Wicked Generation is not long for this world, but they still have their claws in deep. Our peculiar duty is to both defeat them and pray for their repentance.

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The generation you speak of has mostly died out. I became Orthodox 20 years ago & back then there's was more of that. The youngest ones now are in their 70s.

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May 6·edited May 6Liked by Brian Niemeier

Our enemies don't understand exponential math, applied to demographics. Life might be rough now, but these young families will persevere and make it happen. I have to say though, when they stopped at "four, five, or even more!" I just had to laugh. Wife and I are married eight years, and expecting our sixth. We're just getting started compared to the families of 12.

Catholic assault vehicles (passenger vans) are a thing.

Add in dying demographics of the enemy, and it's just over

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Christians are better at Darwinism than Darwinists.

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I attend a Latin low mass at an apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The mass is beautiful, reverent, and very traditional. The Canon who performs the mass is quite young and utterly old-school in all his ways. He calls Protestants heretics and refers to LGBTQQI* as “disordered”. He is very popular in the parish and his masses are always packed, with plenty of babies, kids, and teens in the mix. There is something comforting and attractive about a Catholicism that projects confidence and authority.

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The deep-seated need on the part of some Catholics to be liked by the Church's enemies is a pathology that's passing away.

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I remember during COVID a boomer parishoner reported her priest to the police for celebrating the Mass

And when asked why she did it, she mentioned how he has re-introduced traditionalist elements to the liturgy like incense.

Let the wicked generation pass away!

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Change happens one retirement party and one funeral at a time.

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Let Catholics be Catholic. There are already twenty thousand Protestant churches, we don’t need one more.

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