While yes, there are non-monetary things that will help, boomers need to realize that they need to make hard choices and suffer if they're going to make things work.

House prices need to fall. Stocks need to be realistic. Wages need to go up, which means prices likely do too. The boomer lifestyle will fall apart as they know it.

And that's a GOOD thing. It's necessary.

But, if they don't make the choices to do that in a peaceful way, the country will fall apart, and things will be taken from them. They will loose control, and it will be worse for them than if they do it in a manner of their choosing.

I don't think they'll make the choices necessary, so I don't expect to see it happen. Thus, I expect the hard way to occur.

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May 1Liked by Brian Niemeier

There have been quite a few articles lately about how Millenials are actually doing better than Baby Boomers ever did. I don't believe them at all. Here's examples:



All that to say that the boomers-that-be are continuing their gaslighting campaign and will keep Millenials in the delusion bubble that they still "can be anything they want!" and in fact "You ARE doing anything you want right now! Don't you see?!". They are not content to let Millenials grapple with depression and disillusionment and they will fight to prevent Millenials from acquiring truth and humility. Even seeing the reality of their own poverty is too much to grant for the Baby Boomers, you must agree with them that everything is peachy keen like the 70's and 80's as they die so they can be happy.

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Millennials don't have one foot in the grave, so there's that.

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