Jan 11·edited Jan 11Liked by Brian Niemeier

Renaissance Humanism strikes again.

The Population Bomb was right, except rather than being explosive in nature, it was implosive.

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Ehrlich should be in prison.

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He is the perfect barometer. Always wrong. You can set your watch by him.

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Jan 29Liked by Brian Niemeier

Probably the best thing the Japanese could do is convert to Christianity. Then you would have a sizeable population of Japanese Christians who are not consumed by materialism and instead have beautiful Christian families.

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Yes, it's the best thing anyone can do.

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Jan 11Liked by Brian Niemeier

Unfortunately, this is a lesson that will have to be learned the hard way. Earth's population will fall by half by the end of this century because people aren't having any children. Only by going through the immense suffering to follow will people understand the problem and how to fix it. Only then will the majority of people reject liberalism, materialism, and hedonism, and return to more traditional modes of thinking.

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I have come to believe that women need to respect their men to be content, and men need to love their women. Career women find it hard to respect most men, and render themselves less loveable.

Neither need the other, and indeed, I have heard, "He was irresponsible, making risky choices, we lost the house... It was better to split up and take care of myself and the kids. I had a small business, skills... I did not remarry until the kids were grown. Too much to lose." I hear similar tales from the MGTOW adjacent.

Weak men lead to frightened, resentful women, who become Stronk unhappy Wahmen who raise weak boys... It's a vicious cycle.

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