May 24Liked by Brian Niemeier

"Your senses interact with 2D games on a whole different level than what are in essence interactive 3D movies."

I've noticed this as well (though I think the pre-rendered backgrounds of, say, FF 7-10 or Baldur's Gate give the player a similar experience to 2D games). I can't put my finger on what it is exactly. Is it that your imagination has to put in the extra work of deciphering the imagery and therefore makes you more invested? Is it that the necessarily higher level of stylization pulls one toward an ideal (like how baroque paintings are composed vs how even naturalistic modern paintings are)?

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May 24Liked by Brian Niemeier


This article also gets at something. New FF games are consistently "failing" because sales cannot possibly keep up with the outrageous budgets (which are based on what developers want to make, more than what people want to buy, apparently).

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