Predicting conviction was the easy part. It’s what comes next that’s trickier. Of your three scenarios, 1 and 3 are the likeliest. There is NO WAY he will be allowed to win, even if he wins. It’s not happening. They’ll make his crimes (well, “crimes”) a capital offense before they let him win.

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Some armchair strategists see this debacle as 5D chess on the Death Cult's part. The Cult wants Trump to win, it's surmised, because he'll be more hawkish than Biden. Buit here they forget that the Cult doesn't play chess; they play Calvinball.

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They way I've tried to explain it to people is when they say something is a threat to "our 'democracy' ", they do not mean the word we were taught where people vote and majority takes all. (Perhaps they have some body outside of our government organs that votes on actions but that's going to be called a "conspiracy theory". They refer to whatever extra-national body they've sworn allegiance too. That's why Donald Trump's "America first" is such a threat to their "democracy" (I call it demonocracy and will refer to it as such for the rest of this comment.

It makes a lot more sense using that model. Under what we were taught, saying "voting is a threat to our demonocracy" makes no sense because we were taught that's what it means. But when you realize their demonocracy is NOT our republic, it's easier to understand.

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When you think about it, the notion that a 51% vote determines truth is rash anyway. So maybe discrediting democracy by association will turn out to be an unintended boon done us by the ruling cult.

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Jun 3Liked by Brian Niemeier

I'm all for it. The US was never intended to be a demonocracy. From what I've seen, the word started appearing in the late 19th century. It only took a couple decades of brainwashing to get us involve in a war to "save democracy" somehow. I'd love to see use of and belief in the word go away.

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