Jun 18·edited Jun 18


If they've hit ground zero it was in the 10s.

Studio Ghibli released Howl's Moving Cadtle in 04. Silver Spoon and Stein's gate were 2011 or so. ... FMA Brotherhood 08? Then there's MHA

NGE was great, but it wasn't peak. Paying the animators and Manga artists starvation wages, while killing family formation and nextgen storytellers were the issues that Covidiocy set alight and maybe burned it down for good.

Maybe. Japan is not the U.S.

Agree with you completely on the dying industry rolling woke, which zombifies it, though.

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I think anime did pretty well into the 00's, but then it began to decline. There are still some good anime out there, but I'm not as big as an enthusiast as I once was because there isn't much to be enthused about.

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