May 10Liked by Brian Niemeier

I agree with other commenters. I'm not sure about the year though. I track the years between 2012 and 2015 as the period when things changed. Prior to those years, it seemed like we could disagree but mostly get along outside of politics. I haven't watched the Daily Show consistently since Craig Kilborne hosted it in the late 90's, but I could watch clips of John Stewart and it was generally informative and funny. Then all of a sudden, he went completely batshit anti-gun and became unwatchable. I also used to read Cracked.com. I knew they were liberals, but still their articles were informative and funny. Then, one day, they all became rants about how "racist" and "homophobic" the right is. It became unreadable, and I haven't been back to the site since.

Same for TV shows. Bones was great until about the 11th season when suddenly every episode because an unhinged left-wing rant about right wing issues. I never finished the show. There was some trigger during those three years where everything changed. I haven't watched Law and Order: SVU since that time period after their trans and #gamergate episodes. It used to be one of my favorite shows.

One thing that never made sense to me was how up to around 2015, Millennials got a lot of attention. All the business press ran constant articles about how workplaces need to cater to Millennial needs and preferences. Then, one day, it was all "Millennials need to STFU and just work like the rest of us!" I took three Master's degree level classes that included a component about catering to Millennials. That all went away. During one such class, they brought in a Millenial (supervised by a Boomer) to speak to us. I raised my hand and said something like "Maybe it's my GenX cynicism, but it seems like Millenials get too much attention. When we joined the workforce, we were told to shut up and work." It was an interesting discussion.

I facetiously say that Harambe was the moment when the timeline fully split and sent us spiraling into Clown World.

I find it funny that I recently turned 50 and I have Millennial friends in middle age. I have a friend 10 years younger than me that refers to himself as a "Geriatric Millennial."

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The jews sublimated, going straight to "Kill Whitey" from, "White Privilege." They opened the Gates of Toledo again, in all White Nations. Egregious and obvious mistake. Now, as my White Male Colleagues, Friends and assorted acquaintances shift in to Real, Hitlerian White Nationalists, we are going to expel that filthy tribe, with extreme prejudice. No more wooden doors, and this time we count. Generational strife, religious squabbles, and who won the Nagger Bowl, will morph in to a White Megadeath Machine. And although I will die, perforated in the 1st round, it will be with a smile.

Hail Victory.

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Hardly anyone talks about the Mayan apocalypse of 2012, but occasionally I point out, do things seem like things have been getting better since then? lol.

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> “At this point, I don’t see people like the old version of Pat around anymore. It’s either one direction or the other, and the two sides are not going to come together, as designed by those in charge”

Good grief. “He who has eyes to see, let him see.” Bad take in your post here.

Also, if you want to bandy about the word “normie” in your analysis of why 2013 was the pivot year without analyzing the community where that term comes from, you are going to have A Bad Time, as the kids used to say.


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"First take the beam out of your own eye."

"Community" is Woke Cult ritual cant.

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Check the ngram score differential between the two and get back to me if that still qualifies as “cant” in your book.

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